Thursday, July 06, 2006

Adventures my foot ... this is way more exciting

Well I guess when we decide to go to europe we do it right ... as in what ever could go wrong did...
So we found out 3 hours before take off that we had to take our flight all the way to Budapest NO getting off in Frankfurt (so much for that travel agent) ... if we get off in Frankfurt we loose our return flight home... So calling my Mom on an airport calling card ... 12 min for $ 20.00 HELL ITS ONLY MONEY ... So someone I guess will come get us in Budapest my favorite uncle Kazi Bacsi or .... After taking a few calming breaths and buying another calling card ..calling my Mom in Germany again I find out my Parents have decided to come to Budapest and pick us up... Hey thats good news... I think ... My Dad initially said " she can find her own way there " Serbia that is. That was before he had a chance to realize his one and only child was flying across the world to see them and is bringing her Husband... yeah it got better once he blew some steam ...
Frankfurt Airport was fun , exciting , too small , overly filled with travellers , too small , not enough chairs .... having to spend 8 hours there it got worse by the hour. Sleep depravation is ugly... and so am I after being up for too many hours.
Budapest here we come .... I was so happy to see my parents and they were just as happy to see us... I'll let Dave contribute the rest... Z

My turn. Frankfurt: did you know that McDonald's have beir here. One way to make a bad restaurant better.

I won't say that everyone smokes in Germany, but, if you are a non-smoker, it gets awful challenging breathing sometimes. Granted, there are places where the smokers are supposed to hang out, but, well let's just say that all those days playing bar gigs were not wasted.

Hanging in an airport for 8 hours in another country is a great place to people watch. You, our readers, will not be supprised to discover that American teenage boys are just as boorish in Gremany as they are at home, parenting just as "permissive," and people in general just as obnoxious. Happy fourth of July.

After a short nap in the lounge, we finally left for Budapest to meet Zia's patents. A short flight, in which I fanally got my coveted window seat. I can now attest, with my own eys, that Germany, Austria and Slovakia look like Minnesota. Flat; a beautiful patchwork of farm fields and small lakes, but not a lot different than Minnesota. I'm sure it will look different on the ground later in our trip.

We arrived and hour and a half later to be met by Zia's parents, Vera and Peter. They are both characters. Although we do not share a language, we are having a great time trying to communicate, and laughing a lot over our failed attempts.

Peter and Vera took us home via a great Hungarian restaraunt for dinner. There was a live band that was increadible. After a sizable tip, the violinist hung around our table for a while, answering questions (the bratche is tuned in F), and playing us Hungarian favorites (Monte Chardas and Zia's favorite Hungarian folk tune, among others). At last, home, and, after a glass of shnapps (it is better fresh...really!), to bed.

We are having a great time so far. More latter,


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