Friday, August 04, 2006

8/3 Keszthely

To all of our friends in Portland and the ‘Couv. We hope that the recent earthquake didn’t damage anything valuable and that you (and your stuff) are all OK.


It rained.

It stopped raining long enough for Zia and I to go down to Kossuth Utca and take a walk along with the 3,254,128 other tourist, so we didn’t stay long.

We went down to the Bor Utca (Wine Street) to listen to the latin jazz band last night. The rain started as we walked out the door and continued to increase in intensity to the point that it felt like someone had turned a faucet on by the bands second tune. So all I will say about them is they sounded like the best pop group we have heard here. Good players, good charts, but more info on them will have to wait for other places online (that said, the arrangement of the other bands arrangement of arrangements of funk tunes from the late ‘70’s is kinda dicey fellas).

So down to tourist row on the Boardwalk for beer, pommes (French Fries come with cute little plastic forks), and cover. It was raining so hard at this point that my synthetic fiber anorak was dripping water. We got home and wrung ourselves out. I went to bed, while Zia stayed up to hear the adventures of the Germans, who went out to the Puszta, about which she will have to fill you in, 'cuz she ain't told me yet.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Chart!! Seth told me about your blog, and thanks to my handy Googling skills, I was able to find it :)
    I'm about to go rest up before a bit of camping, but I'll try to read it and catch up on your trip later. Take care of yourself, and I hope you guys are having lots of fun :)

    - Chris
