Tuesday, October 23, 2007

travel continuation...

Where to begin...Kyra and I had a wonderful time catching up .. her friends are wonderful woman courages and brave . They compliment each other in many ways.They are a closeknit group that cares very much about each other.All of them are on messenger and when they get together they turn the volume up on the computer that if one of the husbands gets online they won't miss the message or the opportunity to chat.. We went shopping the second day there and I found Dave really great Lederhosen.. the ladies had a few parties or get togethers that involved Poker and Boardgames of yeah and one night the alcohol flowed pretty heavily..Sometimes you have to let your hair down and if not with your good friends then with whom... what happens in Vilseck stays right there.. Vegas has nothing on these gals.. I love them all...
By living in town Kyra gets to live among the Germans, most of her neighbors are nice, its a cute little town , the churchbells wake you at 5 like it or not .. the local bakeries have amazing breads and pastries every morning by 6 .. what a way to start your day. The Butchershop has all the fresh sausages and meats . The Ladies are enjoying the german spacialties.
The Military installation is a few minutes from town , Kyra takes Jaden to school there every morning , they have shopping abilities there and pay with us currency on the economy they use Euro's.
We headed to Hungary wednesday after the kids got out of school... Kyras friend Katy ( Conley ) as jaden calls her there is 2 Katies ..and her 2 kids joined us for the trip to Hungary. It was a long very long trip , I am proud of my daughter for getting in the car and going places if she gets lost she askes for directions, too many wives sit at home and won't leave the house. Anyways thru Germany ... Austria ... and then fianlly midnight we reached my parents home. Champagne toast to our arrival oh and a snapps too .Bed and sleep ..
Next morning breakfast and then of to show Katy the town.. went to the Castle and walked around the grounds , the Castle( Festetic) has the largest Library of Agricultural books in the world. walked around town and down to the Beach where the kids got to play on all the new equipment that was just recently installed.
Home where lunch was waiting for us.. nap .. another walk ( we walk everywhere and many times a day) The Doctor from next door came over and asked that I go to see him in Heviz at the hospital so he can remove my stitches , he is the chief of staff of the Rheumatology Hospital... yup pays to have important neighbors... he pulled them nicely.. the staff was curious why I was so special..
We drove to Sumeg where there is a Fortress ruin that you can walk around .. in the summer they have period plays...mideval reenactment.. now it was just cold and windy but we walked up to the top and back down...
The Gals left the next day early in the morning .. we walked to town and windowshopped ... My dad got sick and decided to keep close to home. Kyra finally got home sunday night at 8ish.. Monday I helped my mom around the house later her and i walked to town I made a hair appointment and later we drove to Tesco and 24 hour shopping center ..
I found a really pretty coral and silver bracelet ... have to think about it it was aprox.$90.00
Back to the grocery store since my 2 cousins are coming for dinner.. made a pork roast in puffed pastry over roasted potatoes and quince compote.. wine snapps.. good times all around except dad still sick..
Today is a holiday the 51st anniversary of the 1956 revolution.. dad still sick and weather is awful rain rain wind and cold its snowing in areas of europe already...
So the visit continues ...I am having a great time catching up on family and friends .. we are heading to Serbia on thursday if my dad feels better ... all the family there is waiting to see me.. and I them.
Hope your all well

Friday, October 12, 2007

The Adventure continues ... alone

I am excited about this trip for many reasons... I miss my Daughter and granddaughter terribly and also my parents...I need some TLC from my Mom and Dad... I guess we are never to old for that .
Getting ready for this trip was slow ... I had stiches in my finger , a huge sore on my face and new glasses to get used too... Ok so I still managed but not a fast as i had hoped. The souvenir shopping is always a challenge.. what to take... this year Christmas ornaments.. swan figurines for Moms collection... ( she has several hundreds and I am supposed to find one that she doesn't have yet... HA HA HA ) My dad collects tribal masks... yeah another challenge.. at the last minute .. found both.!!!
So ... packed .. off to Seattle .. Hotel .. Airport.. up up and away... landed in Philadelphia ... wanted some cheese steak ... cause thats what your supposed to have there.... Can't have that MAM.... ( read all in the Timing .... you'll understand why that was bizarre to me ) I walked all over that Airport and its a big one... NO CHEESE STEAK!!!!!!!! So I had Teriyaki Chicken...
Flight to Munich was long... wayched the Fantastic 4 movie.. good movie ... Landed .... Baggage Claim... customes... Yippee there was Kyra and Jaden and Kyras friend Katie.... I am so happy to be here .
We grive back to Vilseck ... via the Autobahn.... yup fast ... stopped on Grafenwohr to buy some grocerys and essentials.. then off to Kyras ...
She lives in a really great house.. Jaden and I share the top floor .. Kyra is in the basement.. Living area is in the middle... Stairs are good for you i am told...
Stayed awake as late as I could... 8 Pm... off to sleep... Woke up at 4 ... layed in bed till Church Bells rang for 5 minutes at 5 AM.... time to rise and shine.... watched Tv till Kyra and Jaden got up.... No comercials... well except the AFN ones .
Took Jaden to School .... and then Starbucks...
Didn't do much other than visit till Jaden out of school ... Picked her up .. met Kyras friend Lindsey and her little one and drove to Weiden to go walk around and shop... I found Lederhosen for 99 Euros... Dirndl too... this could be an expensive trip...
Went to a Parfumerie and found a great new scent... Lancome's Hypnose... yup I think I will have to purchase at Duty Free on way home...
Had Dinner at a Pizza place.. yes real italian Pizza.. as good as it was tolk Kyra I needed to go back to noteating Dinner... So starting tomorrow ... back to my plan..
Home ... played online... K showed me all her friends on myspace.. We are going to Lindseys for Jambalaya today and Poker... LOL...