Saturday, June 20, 2009

My how time flies. Another year has gone by, and I still have pictures from last year to load so I can make room for pictures for this year. So anyway, here is a taste of Vilseck, Kyra and Greg's home away from home...

Winkler Brau is the town suds. This is the front of the brewery. We drank a lot of this stuff while we were there. Nice session beer. Looking forward to drinking more of it. Soon...

This view is just down the hill from the bakery, on my morning walk. I liked the flowers on the windows. Some summer when I am home to take care of them, I'm going to do that.

1 comment:

  1. Hey where's the blog??? I remember this building from when Michael and I were there. Hope you are all having a great time!!!
    Tell Jaden, Kyra and Lola hi!
