Sunday, July 31, 2011

7/2 & 6/2011 Kesthely and environs


We had breakfast and then made a trip out to the "Russian" market out on the edge of town. This hangover from the "Black Market" days is a kind of flea market for clothing, genuine authentic Rolex's, and the like. Today it was mostly cooking gadgets and clothing - no real finds.

From there we went out to Sarmalek to get some wine and gather all the fruit that Z and Kyra could eat and shove into their pockets. And then, from there, home for lunch and a beer.

Lest you think everything we are drinking over here is swell, I give you:

Gösser Natur Zitrone (mit natüruchem Zitronenshaft), contract brewed by Sopron Brewing Company, in Sopron, Hungary (naturally). About 2% by volume, it looks kind of like urine with a thin head that lasts less than a minute before disappearing completely in disgust. It has the strong aroma of synthetic lemon (or possibly urine). There is no malt flavor in the bill, but rather the taste of bitter lemon soda. By the time it has reached the back of the palate, there is nothing left at all. All flash - no follow through. Ick. To be avoided at all costs. Mine ended up in the sink - life is too short to drink bad beer.

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