Monday, July 31, 2006

Ok so who is the Vegetarian ????

I decided to add my own post again so you don't think Dave is vacationing alone . My days are spent visiting with my parents and helping out around the house as much as I am permitted ( NOT MUCH) napping every now and then , not really my thing . When Dave naps I take in some quality time with either my Mom or Dad depending which one is around . Dad likes to stay busy , he is the Goofer ... Bread Newspaper a power walk in between... he has lost 40 pounds this last year by walking 4 - 6 hours every day .... GO DAD. My Mom is the chef , she thinks up new and exciting meals to feed Dave and us ... which brings me to the title of my post ... I am ready for some goulash a great Steak ... I love vegetables but GIVE ME MEAT !!!! I finally said you know just because Dave doesn't eat meat I DO ... My Dad is beginning to wonder if she took to this vegetarian cooking so much that she'll forget to make him meat ? Just kidding , she throws us a scrap of dead animal flesh as Dave calls it every now and again. I get some fabulous aged ( 2 years ) Prosiutto Ham and home made sausages ( smoked ) for breakfast with several different kind of cheeses , fresh tomatoes and Hungarian Wax peppers . Homemade Apricot marmalade , joghurt great fresh Bread ( I am going to miss that the most ) . Oh and coffee of course ... Lunch gets creative at times , usually a soup , and then a vegetarian entree for Dave .... Potatoe Pancakes with homemade applesauce ... stuffed Kohlrabi .... its a really tasty vegetable. Spagetti with freah made sauce .... my Mom does not like anything canned or out of a Jar ... today she made Fries and a salad for Dave and added Liver fried with Garlic for us .... fresh fruit is available at all times what ever is in season . Apricots , plums nectarines , peaches watermelon cantaloupe........ I am bringing recipes with me ....
So this is how it goes ...
Dave and I spend time walking to town , the beach .... or just hanging out around the house . I think he is getting the much deserved rest . He sleeps a lot walks a lot and even practices the Trumpet.
Well I am of for another visit with Mom... its close to dinner time ... wonder whats on the menu for tonight...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I'm glad to know one of you is enjoying your status at the top of the food chain.!!!! ~Michele
