Saturday, July 12, 2008

7/12/2öö8, Lenti and Hevís

In the persuit of newer and greater swiming experiences, we traveled to Lenti, on the Slovenian boarder yesterday. An early start found us finally on our way around 9:3ö (hey, I have a grandaughter, that's pretty early).

A car journey through Hungary is always an adventure. For example, as we crossed the border into Hungary from Austria several days ago, we passed through the community of Chernelházadamonya. The name was bigger than the town. Hungary is full of bergs with colorful names. Consider these: Ukk, Bűk, Und, Pápa, Kup, Ják, Old, Matty, and of course the unforgettable Nyugotszenterzsébet. I usually amuse myself on longer car journeies by practicing my phonetic reading - to the amusement and or annoyance of the Hungarians in the car. Therefore the community of Cécé is pronounced by them as "Seh - Seh." Of course anyone can see that it is really "Kee - Kee." The above mentioned "Ukk" is really pronounced "Ook." You thought it was Ukk, too, didn't you?

Lenti is located in one of the oldest regions of Hungary. Vera told us that the communities are so old that they voted recently to keep the community names that have existed since the 12öö's for historical reasons. New communities in the region will often append a "Zala-" in the front of their name so they can be part of the group. This also explains many of the longer names on this side of the country.

The swimming emporeum is pretty cool. Two indoor swimming pools and five outdoor pools await our swimming pleasure. A kiddie pool (Jaden says to me, "I like kitties." I think I am creating a monster...), an intermediate pool, a lap pool, and a "fun" pool, with the little chanel with the current, the big slide (they cost money here), and all the other bells and whistles. The remaining pools are all health pools. The water park, it seems, is located in a "Hungarian vortex," where "scentific studies" have shown that "magnetic forces" are in a "special alignment" that provides many "health benefits." They have a little path that you can wander that takes you to all the hot spots to get the most bang for your buck. Or something.

As usual, Jaden jumped right in, with the adults taking turns watching her, soaking up some rays or suds, enjoying the eye candy, or reading. Jaden swam for 6 hours and was asleep in the car within five minutes of leaving the parking lot.

Dinner was in Hevís at a wine cellar up on the hill. It is eveidently on a site where several old Roman ruins were discovered. The building is beautiful, the food fabulous, the wine devine, and the mosquitoes think enough to carry you away. We made a hasty retreat.

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