Monday, July 14, 2008

7/14/2öö8, Keszthely, Gyenasdias, Hevís

It's been either really hot or very stormy the last few days. As it's just the four of us now, we are staying pretty close to home.

Saturday evening found us at the Bor-fest in Gyenasdias (otherwise known to the Cynics amongst us as Buenos Dias). Peter has been dealing with some medical issuses, so most of these trips are Vera, Z and I. There is a traveling winefest (wine is bor in Hungarian) that visits most of the communities on the north side of the lake during the summer (the wine region of Hungary). This is one of the first for the year. A wine fest is a flock of people around these really cool wooden trailer/booth things that the local wine makers use to hock their product. There are several food vendors selling traditional fare, and a central stage with live music. When we arrived the music onstage was a very hip marimba ensemble (three percussionists, bass and drums), that really enjoyed playing tunes in 7. They were followed by the community concert band playing traditional march favorites on equiptment that would draw howles of protest from the folks that play in my bands. The last group of the evening (that we caught anyway) was a Hungarian-Folk-Metal-Hair-Band (really- the locks were quite impressive). If you have been indoctrinated, think the Hungarian Höven Dröven. Fun stuff! We feasted on Longos and kürtöskalacs and dug the tunes-and the wines. The highlight was a rare wine made from a "blue armed grape" - literally a grape with a blue stem. Evidently this is quite rare, and only a few bottles are made a year to be sold at festivals like this. A white wine with a smooth, buttery flavor. It was very nice and trés drinkable (sorry folks, I'm a beer guy - as this blog should be making clear by now. You want good wine descriptions, talk to my brother-in-law, Jerry).

Sunday evening we went into Hevís for a festival that wasn't there (guess we were looking at last year's program. We enjoyed a walk around the radioactive lake, and then did a little shopping in the shops still open on Sunday evening. We followed this by taking a train ride around the city (Hevís has one of those tourist trains that it uses as a bus line). Vera commented that she would probably end up seeing sections of Hevís she had never seen before, and likely she was right. This thing went everywhere. Some great views and some stunning architecture. It was a nice way to become familiar with the area. We finished with a beer at the local ettrem, and then a gelatto, and then home. Who needs a festival?

Monday brought a huge storm - thunder, lightning, rain - the works. I left for my morning walk under ominous skys, made it to the lake, and then caught the down pour. It was raining so hard I couldn't see three feet infront of me. I made my way back home, and the rain gradually died down, so that it had mostly stopped by the time I reached the front door. "What the heck," I thought and headed back out, only to have the rain start to pick up again. Defeated, I gave up, went back in a crawled back into bed.

Z and I went shopping in the afternoon. We took the Chineese walk. There are several Chineese markets in town that sell quality clothing at bargain prices - some of which are carrying labels you may have heard of before - assuming you don't look too closely. Z was looking for shoes, but ended up buying underwear. I guess it was a productive trip. I'm not quite sure how to tell anymore.

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