Saturday, July 26, 2008

7/26/2008, Keszthely to Vilseck

Up at 6:00 this morning and a quick breakfast, and then a tearful goodbye to Vera. We then hit the road to Vilseck.

Peter started the driving chores. He and Z had a spirited conversation, leaving me to amuse myself with the "pronouncing Hungarian town names" game, followed by the "composing new tunes" game, followed by the "whistling every tune I know" game, followed by - well you get the idea.

Peter took us on short cut that led through the famous Vienna Wood. It is beautuful country - it will remind you a lot of the Oregon Coast in the trees and landscape. The architecture is that Disneyland version of German buildings. It was a very storybook and quaint.

We hit the autobahn again and started heading across Austria. At the first rest area Peter and I swapped places. Insert big grin here. As you recall, there is a speed limit in Austria - of 90 miles per hour. So that was fun. But I was ready for the show.

We stopped for gas just before crossing the border into Germany. From then on, all bets were off. My top was 125 mph, but I was averaging 100 to 115. It is a lot of fun. But you completely don"t get how much attention it takes until you are doing it. You still have the kamikazi Mercedies and Beamers, there are people wanting to dart in front of you going alot slower than you are going, and that speed limit thing only applies where there isn't a town. All that said, I would dearly love to have one of these between Eugene and the 'Couve.

We made it to Keyra's and had another tearful goodbye with Peter. The plans for the next few days are very up in the air, due to Keyra's upcomming surgery. Seeing as we are in the land of beer, likely some good suds will be inhaled. More about that by and by.


Some last Hungarian odds and ends from my journal:

* You can't have a "John Q Public" in Hungary - 'cuz they don't have a "Q."
* I can't type worth a damn anymore, 'cuz I'm used to Vera's Hungarian keyboard now.
* Hungarians have a real problem with the whole "seafood thing." Some examples from the English translation of menus;
1) Fishy Fish (some kind of ocean going thing)
2) Fruits of the Sea (some kind of shell fish)
3) Sea Bass in a Sip of Beer (Beer batter?)
4) Chittlens with Trotters (???)
5) Fried Carp with Pomes Frittes and Mayo
* Then there is the usual Hungarian wods of interest;
1) Herentyűket, a what-cha-ma-call-iy
2) Keszlet Erejéig, while available
3) Folttisztításban, what you ask for when you need spot remover
4) Halrudak & Hasábburgonya, fish and chips anyone?


So, here we are, back in Bavaria. More tales to come...

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