Saturday, July 18, 2009

7-13 and 14, Keszthely and the dentist (part 2)


Today is a red letter day. I get my teeth back! Z is spending the morning with her genius hairdresser lady. It is sunny. The mosquitos are in hiding. All is right in our world.


So after all of the build up, I'm afraid getting the crown was anticlimactic. A quick check to make sure it fit, dry and swab the tooth it was covering, and glue the crown in. The whole thing took less than 20 minutes. Both visits and all the work, the new crown and all, cost less than 275 bucks, no insurance.



It's getting hot (over 100 degrees), so it's a good time to hang by the lake. But first, or typical morning - breakfast, trumpet practice, a power walk, watching Z shop for shoes - then lunch.
We went down to the "public beach." It costs 900 forint (about 4 dollars, 50 cent), but gives you the run of the basic facilities in exchange. No paid bathrooms, a couple of water slides, deck chairs (if you get there early enough), a heated pool, various playground toys, and occasional special events. It is quite the zoo of humanity, and the people watching is choice.


Forgive me while I rant...

So somebody please explain the shoe fetish thing to me. My wife, Z, who agonizes over spending two bucks for a loaf of good bread, turned loose in a shoe store becomes a lady on a mission. We cannot, under any circumstances, without exception, miss ANY opportunity to shop for shoes. We could see the exact same brand name store we just searched to death 15 miles ago, we could be passing a place we shopped for hours yesterday, and we MUST stop and shop. Because they may have something different - or something. I just don't get it. Now if it was something important like trumpets or sound equiptment, maybe...

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