Sunday, July 31, 2011

7/9/2011 Kishegyes

It has been over 100° for the last few days here - hell on the walks and practice, but at least it helps keep the mosquitoes down. It is palinka making season in Kishegyes. We have seen the fruit cooking down in several places and are on the clock today making sure to add water to Peter's barrels to tighten the seams. Apricots are in season right now, followed by plum, pear, quince and the like. Cherries are already finished.
In another "Greek Wedding" moment, Z informed me today that we will be dining with sevreal folks over the next couple of days. They are all preparing lamb.
Imre and Kati came by this evening to visit. Discussion centered around the adventures of Kati's class reunion, mole removal (The friend in Sarmalek seems to have the best solution. He has a Guiney Hen that likes to hunt and eat them.), and "what the hell do vegetarians eat, anyway?" We'll be lunching with them later in the week.
Our palinka this evening is "mixed fruit." The fruit in question came from the garden right outside the door. We dodged a bullet. Vera brought out more of the "Swiss Herb," but decided it wasn't the right choice this evening. Whew, that was close.
Hungarian Customs No. 2: Operating a Seltzer Bottle.
Most palinka drinkers wisely follow the potent potable with a chaser of bubbly water from a seltzer bottle. Should you be called upon to pour, here is what you do. Hold the glass to be filled in your weak hand under the spout, and the handle of the bottle in your strong hand. GENTLY squeeze the handle on the bottle. Don't be embarrassed if you end up taking a shower. You will. Even seasoned pros do it every so often.

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